
ILA General Assembly 2021 in writing

2021, October 06

Dear Friends,

As you all know the Birthday Event 2020 including the General Assembly as well as the Symposium
was postponed to October 06 - 08, 2021.

The ongoing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and the slowly rising numbers of vaccinated people
worldwide stops us from holding a safe event in 2021. It is with deep regrets that we need to inform you
that we will have to postpone the physical General Assembly to 2022.

After this year's resolutions of the General Assembly (Oct. 6) we will inform you about next year's planning.

Documents to the General Assembly 2021 (only for members):

  • Agenda
  • Presentation
  • Possible resolutions
  • Voting Form

are available at the internal ILANET.

Take care and stay healthy!

Your ILA Team


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